Chart Of The Day: Chinese Smartphones Are On The Rise – Business Insider

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2, 2014, 4:25 PM 263 email In the second quarter of 2014, five of the biggest Chinese smartphone makers including Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Coolpad, and ZTE accounted for about 75 million worldwide shipments. Samsung, the worlds largest smartphone manufacturer, had only shipped 74 million smartphones during that time. Based on company data charted for us by Business Insider Intelligence , all five Chinese smartphone vendors combined to comprise about 30% of all Android phones shipped in the first quarter of the year. According to BII, these vendors, which offer quality and affordable low-end and mid-tier smartphones, will continue to drive global market growth, particularly among first-time smartphone users. Business Insider Intelligence Follow Tech Chart Of hp terbaru The Day and never miss an update! Get updates in your Facebook news feed. Get updates in your inbox. Get updates in your inbox Subscribe to Tech Chart Of The Day and never miss an update!

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